Copyright Infringement

PLEASE BE ADVISED: All photos are copyrighted. You're infringing on the owner's copyright and could face legal repercussions if any photos are obtained illegally without the rights or licenses to Total Package Photography's photo content.

Individuals should NOT copy, download, screen shot, or capture any images that belong to Total Package Photography Individuals also should NOT crop, edit, or add filters to any images. If you do so, you may be subject to a $200 fine per photo.

Copyright Infringement

PLEASE BE ADVISED: All photos are copyrighted. You're infringing on the owner's copyright and could face legal repercussions if any photos are obtained illegally without the rights or licenses to Total Package Photography's photo content.

Individuals should NOT copy, download, screen shot, or capture any images that belong to Total Package Photography Individuals also should NOT crop, edit, or add filters to any images. If you do so, you may be subject to a $200 fine per photo.